Purchase/Restore Membership Issues
After purchasing a membership, will it remain on a new device? Will the data still be there?
PeakWatch membership is linked to your App Store account. If you switch devices in the future, just log in with the same Apple ID and click "Restore Purchase" at the bottom of the PeakWatch payment page.
Your heart rate data is stored in the Health app. Ensure that your Health data is synced to the new device when switching (it is usually synced to iCloud).
Error when restoring membership
Since PeakWatch membership is linked to your App Store ID, typically logging in with the same App Store ID on the new phone and clicking "Restore Purchase" at the bottom of the payment page should restore your membership.
If you encounter an error and cannot restore your membership, please troubleshoot with the following steps:
Go to "Settings - PeakWatch" in the system and check if PeakWatch is allowed to use network data. "Restore Purchase" requires network access, so enable it.
Frequently switching between different regional App Store IDs can also cause errors. Therefore, the App Store ID used for "Restore Purchase" must be the same as the one used to download PeakWatch.
- Example: If you downloaded and purchased PeakWatch with a China App Store ID and later downloaded PeakWatch from the US App Store, even if you switch back to the China ID, you cannot restore the membership.
- Solution: Delete PeakWatch, use the original Apple ID to download and restore the purchase from the corresponding App Store:
- In the above example, delete the US account-downloaded PeakWatch, switch back to the China App Store, redownload, log in with the China App Store account, and restore the purchase.
How many devices can log in with one membership account?
A PeakWatch account can only be logged in on one device at a time. When logging into a new device, the account on the old device will be automatically logged out.
After purchasing a membership, it still shows as not unlocked?
Due to some delay in the Apple payment system, try the following methods to resolve:
- Kill the app in the background and restart it
- Click "Restore Purchase" under the payment card
If you encounter any purchase issues, feel free to email us at hi@peakwatch.co or contact us through "Settings - About - Contact Us".